日曜日, 10月 08, 2006
"Shall We Dance?" - "Why yes, I'd love to"

I was really excited to see a movie completely in Japanese. Although it was sometimes difficult to keep up with (espeically if you had to look away from the subtitles for a minute), it was really interesting to test my understanding of the language and to get more familiar with it. I found myself picking out a couple of words here and there and trying to figure out how they fit in with the sentence, then guessing what some of the other words meant based on what I didn't know. I noticed that the subtitles were a little off when the same phrase (ex. nani ka?) was translated as "May I help you" and "What do you want?" I think that if after you have a small understanding of a language, then fluency by way of complete immersion isn't that difficult. I thought it was really strange that even in a completely Japanese movie the characters sometimes counted in english, and used english works like "quick, quick, slow." I can't wait to see the last few minutes of the movie.